The Town of Windsor has received an application from BoDean Company/Dean Soiland for planning entitlements to develop a new asphalt plant and construction materials processing facility on a portion of a 13.59 acre industrial site on Caletti Avenue. The site is currently in use for various industrial and commercial operations. This project will include:
A rezone to Planned Development (PD) to change development standards including heights up to 100 feet and specifying the range of uses allowed
A tentative Parcel Map to divide the property into four lots with the asphalt processing facility located on Lot 1 (6.89 acres) and Lots 2-4 ranging in size from 2.04 to 2.36 acres each
A Use Permit to allow an asphalt plant/construction materials processing facility with a maximum height of approximately 88 feet and a Site Plan and Design Review
BoDean Company/Dean Soiland
Kim Voge, 707-838-1106
3/20/22: Application deemed complete
8/30/22: EIR scoping meeting
Environmental review