Brennan Investment Group is seeking approval from the Town of Windsor to develop a first-class multi-tenant, light industrial and manufacturing business park on the approximately 45-acre site known as 790 Shiloh Road. The interest in developing this project is in response to the shortage of modern facilities.
This project will be capable of supporting the growth of new companies seeking alternatives to operate their businesses closer to executive housing and workforce labor. Buildings are designed with flex spaces to accommodate single or multiple tenants. The development will consist of three buildings totaling approximately 480,000 square feet. The two buildings fronting Highway 101 (Buildings 1 & 2) will be designed to comply with the Design Standards established for the “101 Interface Zone.” The landscape plan has been designed to incorporate existing trees and vegetation in the Open Space land use area, creating a park-like setting. Abundant trees, shrubbery and other drought resistant vegetation, consistent with the Shiloh Oaks Master Plan, will be incorporated throughout the remainder of the project. The project will also include a re-alignment of the existing drainage channel that is tributary to Airport Creek.
Tim Gudim, Brennan Acquisitions Group, LLC. 9450 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 750, Chicago, IL 60018 / [email protected]
Kim Voge, [email protected] 707-836-1106
Building and improvement plans under review.
Environmental compliance; applicant to record Final Map and pull building permits.