The Estates at Ross Ranch is a 30 lot subdivision project located at 1295 Jensen Lane. The project would subdivide the 17.17 acre parcel into 31 lots and reduce the agricultural buffer adjacent to the east and south property lines to 100 feet from 200 feet. The project also includes the extension of Prince George Way to the east through the project site to connect to a new north-south segment of Jensen Lane. A new north-south street, Portland Way, would be constructed in the center of the site to provide access to most of the new lots and would help connect Vinecrest Road to the extension of Prince George Way. A roundabout would be constructed at the intersection of Vinecrest Road and Portland Way. Of the 31 lots that would be created, only 26 lots would be buildable (lots 1-12 and 17-30) until a time when the agricultural buffer required along the south property line is no longer required.
Brian Flahavan, [email protected]
Kim Jordan [email protected]
4/5/2023: Town Council certified Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) and adopted Statement of Overriding Consideration to approve the Tentative Subdivision Map to create 31 lots and to reduce the required agricultural buffer on the south side of the site to 100-feet
March 2024: Applicant submitted final map and subdivision improvement plans
Staff review of final map and improvement plans